A quick summary of managing oneself (book)

A quick summary of managing oneself.

This amazing book 📝 was written by Peter f. Drucker.
📘History all achiever have one common thing is they know-how to manage themselves means that they know themselves.
📘 Here is an exercise for managing yourself / know your self better

⚫what are my strengths?
 (Many people know that most of knowing their weakness )
For you can use that strength for your success
⚫How do  I perform?
The analysis is one of the best ways to be a better life.
Am I a listener / a reader?
Different person has a unique quality they have. Knowing that quilty gives a sense of direction in life.
How do I learn?
Some people learn by talking, some people learn by writing things, by listing, by reading, by talking themselves.
What are my values?
Value means ethics. What kind of person do you want to be? Ask this question to find out your values.
Where do I belong?
Every individual has a story to tell.
Every successful people struggled in past.
What should I contribute?
For that, you must know what does the situation requires? By adding my strength, my value how can I make the greatest contributions?

🌸These are the question you can ask yourself to know yourself better?
🌸How often we ask ourselves a question? 
What is the last time you ask yourself a question you don't remember! right?

⚫ This question going to be useful in life.
Happy reading 📘
Lots of love ❤️

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